Sep 21, 2009

Post to twitter from linux terminal:

This is actually a fun thing you can do.

The first thing is having a twitter account

now let's get on it.

we need to install curl

> sudo apt-get install curl

next we make a file (which we'll make an executable) in /usr/bin

> sudo nano /usr/bin/twitter

text editor will open, just copy the next code:

curl --basic --user "yourusername:yourpasswd" --data-ascii "status=`echo $@|tr ' ' '+'`" "" -o /dev/null
echo Message Sent!

replace yourusername with... well your user name, and your password with your pass.

Then you will need to make the file executable by placing the following code into the command line terminal

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/twitter

that's it, to use it just type

twitter "YOUR TWEET".

replace YOUR TWEET with whatever you want to tweet, don't forget quotation marks as if you use @someone in the begging it will not post.

if your using a gnome desktop, you can press ALT+F2 and in the Run Command Box that appears type


have fun
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.
Isaac Asimov

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.
Isaac Asimov

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